A Weekend of Adventure

Mini Adventures Only!

This weekend was all about mini-adventures, spending family time together and generally chilling out.   The weather was bad, my van has been playing up (and is being swapped out) and – to be honest – we were absolutely shattered after a hectic couple of weeks (with another one to get through before any chance of downtime!)

A day out with the whole clan at Holker Hall today for the Chilli Festival (or mostly the playground, icecream and hotdogs!)
Dakota sneaked in for a stealth cuddle with her Grandad before we had to set off back to Glasgow.
Roki at 4 months old (and a couple of days). He was weighed in on 3 days ago at 14.5kg at the vets so he is looking like he will be pretty big for a border collie!
He is soft as anything though 😉