Not Enough of Us

Jen was saying to me that we haven’t really taken many photographs of “us”, and I started looking back through things thinking… I am sure we have.

But no, she is right! I have so many of the children, the animals and photos from on our adventures. I even have quite a few of her – although most of them don’t see the light of day just hide away on my hard drive! But both of us, together….

Thinking about this, it is kind of important that I take more of these pictures – of the kids with one or both of us, the two of us together… these are things that they will remember and hold dear when they get older – when we have gone and all that is left are the memories of things that we did together. It is precious… I wish I had more photographs of my Mum with me/us/the kids.

So… another mission to add to my list is to take more pictures! It’s true that we haven’t, perhaps, been feeling particularly photogenic of late – but we are making efforts to redress that issue and… hell… if we succeed I suppose it will be nice to be able to look back on the transformation too!

This is the last one I took of the two of us – around 10 months ago.

At the Enchanted Forest!

Now I just need to ensure it isn’t the last!

Here are a few more from the last couple of years or so, just to prove that there are a few!



The last is one of my favourites!

So, although we are both rather camera shy I am going to try and take a lot more!

The Isle of Mull, Summer 2017

Our adventure on Mull has come to an end, and it has been fantastic.

We explored villages, bays, beaches, rivers, bridges, castles and probably the most important religious site in Scotland on the glorious islands of Mull and Iona.  We have seen where warriors, lords and kings have been buried, met interesting people, chatted with a real Clan Chief and eaten well.

The weather was not particularly kind to us, but we managed to avoid all the soakings that we were due by nothing short of miraculous fortune and our dispersed family unit has become tighter knit in the process.

Everyone loved the island, everyone wants to go back… no one wanted to leave.  By any measure I would consider that a success!